Thursday 8 May 2008


Age: 20.
Gender: Male.
Degree: Creative writing and Film studies.
Does it relate to my courses? The assessments do.
Too demanding? No, i think the course was appropriate for level 1
Were the topics appropriate? All except bandits, which was more of a history lesson.
Any we missed? Prostitution, Gangs, Body modification could be expanded.
Is the lecture format effective? Yes.
How are the lecturers? Very good.
Did you enjoy the interdisciplinary nature of the module? Yes, it gives a wide range of options for us to write about, so everyone has a chance to write about something they are quite comfortable with.
Taking PH2004? No.
Would you recommend us to a friend? Friends who like the sound of their own voices, and some others.
Blogs, a good idea? Yes, it allowed students to think about the module in a more informal way.

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