Thursday 8 May 2008

The plotpoint of pretty much every Eastenders episode, ooeer missus.

Infidelity! yay! why not, eh? Betray a unique trust built up between two people for a cheap thrill? great fun! But really, as a small town boy who has never felt this sort of thing first hand I can spoil you with my cold, objective point of view, a departure from the flurry of red hot bile that is so typical of a blog. Most religions, being a sort of general 'guide to being nice' as I see them, say that people should be monogomous, and that infidelity is a sin!!! The fairly widespread rejection of religion in the face of science and a human need to find something more stable and tangible, has seen a change in peoples values, and now, apparently, infidelity can be justified. Some may argue that the animal need to continue the race and mix up the gene pool makes monogamy an irrational convention, however, surely the fact that human beings feel the need to pair up and get married, even to the point where it requires sacrifices in peoples lives, shows that people are perhaps inclined to monogamy. An issue which is far too expansive for us to totally understand, and far too personal to approach from an objective, scientific point of view, perhaps only needs a glance at the blogs of those who have been cheated on by a partner to understand the damage it can do to your fellow human being, which is, of course, the definition of bad.

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